Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Dear Colleagues,

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. On this day, we have the opportunity to reflect on the goals he had for the U.S.: securing voting rights for African Americans, eliminating racial injustice, and upending class oppression wherever we live.

The past few years have shown that we have not yet reached the mountaintop, though progress has been made. Dr. King said that “the ultimate measure of a [person] is not where [they] stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where [they] stand at times of challenge and controversy.” As we wait for the arc that moves toward justice, we must remember that we are the ones who facilitate the movement. Those who are with us in our efforts towards Dr. King’s vision for our country are greater than those who oppose it. However, we cannot wait for hope to eliminate systemic racism and implicit biases that injure—we must act. As we celebrate this MLK Day, let us focus on his words that stir us to participate in reaching the goals that he set forth.

The School of Medicine Basic Sciences is steadfast in its commitment to, and investment in, diversity, equity, and inclusion. We have made strides but know we have more to do, which will take intention and engagement from our whole community. Today is a time to reflect, learn, and be active as we continue to strive towards Dr. King’s vision. Some opportunities to engage during and around MLK Day include:

In February, for Black History Month, watch for the announcement of an engagement activity for the school. Participation will be open to all in Basic Sciences.

To engage with ongoing work in the DEI space, please reach out to your department’s DEI committee or directly to Felysha Jenkins, the Basic Sciences diversity, equity, and inclusion program manager.

Dr. King said that “whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” in his April 1963 “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” Let us take that into consideration as we strive, as a community, toward his vision.


Felysha Jenkins, Ph.D.

Program Manager, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

John Kuriyan, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Medicine Basic Sciences


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