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The department has 26 tenured or tenure-track investigators that have primary appointments in Biochemistry and 27 additional tenure-track investigators whose primary appointments are in other departments. These investigators have active laboratories that train students and postdoctoral fellows. In addition, the department has 4 educator-track faculty whose primary activities are in medical and graduate student education and approximately 25 research track faculty that work in laboratories and core facilities.

Primary Department of Biochemistry Tenure-Track Faculty Members

Mentoring and Career Development Resources for Faculty

There are numerous mentoring activities designed to help new investigators launch, grow, and sustain a vigorous research program and navigate the other important activities of a VU Biochemistry faculty member.  This Mentoring Resources document lists some of those resources. Even more important is the culture in the Department of Biochemistry and Vanderbilt Basic Sciences. This is a community of colleagues that genuinely want to help each other succeed. We value sharing, cooperativity, mentoring, and collaborating. We also have an inclusive environment in which everyone’s participation is welcomed and encouraged. Combined with individual initiative, the culture provides the support that faculty need to be successful.
