Call for applications: 2017 Stanley Cohen Innovation Fund
The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is now soliciting applications for research awards from the Stanley Cohen Innovation Fund.
The Cohen Fund supports high-risk, groundbreaking research with the potential to open new fields of scientific inquiry and biomedical impact. The awards honor Stanley Cohen, Vanderbilt emeritus professor of biochemistry and 1986 Nobel laureate, whose discovery of epidermal growth factor and its mechanism of action revolutionized our understanding of cellular signaling in fields of biomedical research such as development, wound healing and cancer; and led to high-impact therapies across a range of diseases. Professor Cohen’s work serves as the prototype for research that will be supported by the Fund.
Initial awards of up to $100,000 will be made from the Fund. Awardees can receive a second year of funding pending adequate progress.
Applicants must be nominated by their department chair, and only one nomination will be accepted from each department.
Applications should contain:
A two-page description of the research plan with an appended budget and justification;
Curriculum vitae; and
Letter of nomination by the department chair.
Note: Given the intent of the Fund, emphasis should be placed on the novelty of the proposed research and the potential for future discovery and impact. Research that is a continuation or incremental extension of ongoing research programs will not be considered.
Nomination packages must be submitted as a PDF document to by 5 p.m. on March 13, 2017.
All applications will be forwarded to a review committee that will select final nominees. Finalists will be asked to give a presentation on their proposed research project to the committee in May.
Contact: Megan Smallwood, (615) 875-7529