Candidates sought for Macy Foundation Faculty Scholars Program
Vanderbilt University may nominate one candidate each from the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing for the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s Faculty Scholars Program. This award provides $100,000 per year for up to two years to identify and nurture the careers of promising educational innovators in medicine and nursing.
The goal is to develop the next generation of national leaders in medical and nursing education. The program will support the Macy Faculty Scholars in leading new educational innovations at their home institutions and will provide opportunities for further career development through national meetings and participation in other Macy activities.
The applicant must be a doctorally prepared faculty member in good standing who has served for five or more years as a faculty member, ideally at the sponsoring school. The applicant also must have an identified faculty mentor who will provide advice on the candidate’s project and career development. The eligible applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or its territories.
The foundation is particularly interested in the following: (1) interprofessional education to promote teamwork and interprofessional collaboration; (2) new models of clinical education that emphasize longitudinal, integrated experiences with patients, families and faculty; (3) new content in health professional curricula such as quality improvement, patient safety, systems analysis, health economics, and the social determinants of health; (4) education of health professionals to care for underserved populations, including addressing the need for more primary care providers; (5) programs to diversify the health professional workforce so that it more closely matches across many dimensions the populations to be served; and (6) domestic programs that promote an understanding of global health.
Anyone interested in being considered as one of Vanderbilt’s nominees must submit the following (in PDF format) to by 5 p.m. on Dec. 16, 2015:
A brief (two-page maximum) description of the educational innovation project;
A brief statement of support from the candidate’s mentor indicating a commitment to advise the candidate on project work and career development; and
A brief CV or NIH Biosketch.
Submissions should reference the program name in the subject line of the email.
Once received, all proposals will be forwarded to an internal review committee that will choose the final nominees. The chosen nominees will submit a full proposal to the foundation by the Feb. 17, 2016, deadline.
If you have any questions about the foundation or its interests and priorities, please contact Adele White, director, Office of Foundation Relations, (615) 936-1599.