Norrby to deliver Flexner Dean’s Lecture March 12
Erling Norrby, MD, PhD, a world authority on viruses, will present his lecture, “A Foray into Nobel Prizes: The Action Potential, Cholesterol and Maturing Molecular Biology,” Monday, March 12 at noon in 208 Light Hall. His lecture is part of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine’s Flexner Dean’s Lecture Series.
Erling Norrby, MD, PhDFor 25 years Norrby served as professor of virology and chair of the School of Medicine of Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and during that time he became deeply involved in the selection process of the recipients of Nobel Prizes in physiology or medicine. For six years he then served as permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, having overriding responsibility for the Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry and serving on the board of the Nobel Foundation.
Now an emeritus professor of the Center for the History of Science at the Royal Swedish Academy, he also has one of the leading functions at the Royal Swedish Court as Lord Chamberlain in Waiting.
Norrby will be signing copies of his book “Nobel Prizes and Notable Discoveries” immediately after his lecture. Copies will be available for purchase at $40, cash or check only.
Register to attend here.
Contact: Paige White, Office of Medical Student Affairs.