Vanderbilt University honors 32 as emeriti faculty
Emeriti faculty members at Vanderbilt’s 2017 Commencement ceremony May 12 in Memorial Gym. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt)
Thirty-two retiring faculty members were recognized during Vanderbilt’s Commencement ceremony May 12, when the university honored their years of service and bestowed on them the title of emeritus or emerita faculty.
Read about Vanderbilt’s emeritus and emerita professors for 2017.
· Albert H. Beth, professor of molecular physiology and biophysics, emeritus
· Paul E. Bock,
professor of pathology, microbiology and immunology, emeritus
· John M. Braxton, professor of leadership, policy and organizations, emeritus
· Vivien A. Casagrande (posthumous), professor of cell and developmental biology, emerita
· Larry R. Churchill, professor of medical ethics, emeritus
· Paul A. Cobb, professor of education, emeritus
· Arthur F. Dalley II, professor of cell and developmental biology, emeritus
· William W. Damon, professor of economics, emeritus
· Dale Clark Farran, professor of education, emerita
· Marc G. Froment-Meurice, professor of French, emeritus
· F. Andrew Gaffney, professor of medicine, emeritus
· Ted S. Hasselbring, professor of special education, emeritus
· Craig Anne Heflinger, professor of human and organizational development, emerita
· John F. Johns, professor of guitar, emeritus
· Cathy L. Jrade, professor of Spanish, emerita
· Richard Lehrer, professor of teaching and learning, emeritus
· Charles F. Maguire, professor of physics, emeritus
· Larry May, professor of philosophy, emeritus
· Harold L. Moses, professor of cancer biology, emeritus
· Marilyn L. Murphy, professor of art, emerita
· Bonita A. Pilon, professor of nursing, emerita
· Ronald R. Price, professor of radiology and radiological sciences, emeritus
· L. Jackson Roberts II, professor of pharmacology, emeritus
· Leona Schauble, professor of education, emerita
· Virginia L. Shepherd, professor of education, emerita
· Charles K. Singleton, professor of biological sciences, emeritus
· Barbara Tsakirgis, professor of classical and Mediterranean art, emerita; and professor of history of art, emerita
· Kenneth A. Wallston, professor of nursing, emeritus
· P. Anthony Weil, professor of molecular physiology and biophysics, emeritus
· Robert A. Weller, professor of electrical engineering, emeritus; professor of physics, emeritus; and professor of materials science and engineering, emeritus
· John A. Worrell, professor of radiology and radiological sciences, emeritus
· Daoxing Xia, professor of mathematics, emeritus