‘Predoctoral Funding Opportunity’
Workshops and peer review sessions for applicants to the 2025 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Jul. 18, 2024—The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program is a prestigious fellowship opportunity for early-stage STEM graduate students, including PhD students in the biosciences. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Fellowships provide 3 years of funding for graduate education in a STEM field, and PhD students must apply no later than fall of the second year in their PhD...
Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) – Predoctoral International Peace Scholarship Fund for Women
May. 9, 2024—Deadline: December 15, 2024 URL: International Peace Scholarship Fund – P.E.O. International (peointernational.org) Description: P.E.O. scholarships support female international students (from any country other than the US or Canada) during graduate study in the United States or Canada. The scholarship offers one year of support. Eligibility: Applicant must: Be or expect to be a full-time graduate...
Epilepsy Foundation / American Epilepsy Society – Predoctoral Fellowship
May. 8, 2024—Deadline: January 18, 2025 URL: Predoctoral Research Fellowships (aesnet.org) Description: Fellowships support predoctoral students pursuing dissertation research with an epilepsy-relevant theme, and who are working under the supervision of a mentor with expertise to supervise in the area of epilepsy investigation. The fellowship offers one year of support. Eligibility: Applicants must: Be matriculating in a full-time doctoral...
Department of Defense (DoD) – National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
May. 8, 2024—Deadline: November 3, 2024 URL: ndseg.sysplus.com/NDSEG/Applicants/How-to-Apply Description: The Department of Defense (DoD) offers the NDSEG fellowship as a means of increasing the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance. This is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to students who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in one or more...
Autism Science Foundation (ASF) – Predoctoral, Postdoctoral, and Medical Student Research Fellowship
May. 8, 2024—Deadline: December 8, 2024 URL: Apply for a PreDoc/Post Doc Fellowship – Autism Science Foundation Description: Fellowships are for doctoral students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows pursuing basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The proposed training should be scientifically linked to autism but may be broadened to include training in a closely related area...
American Heart Association (AHA) – Predoctoral Fellowship
May. 8, 2024—Deadline: September 4, 2024 URL: 2025 AHA Predoctoral Fellowship – Professional Heart Daily | American Heart Association Description: Fellowships support research and clinical training of promising students who are matriculated in predoctoral or clinical health professional degree training programs and who intend careers as scientists, physician-scientists, clinician-scientists, or other related careers aimed at improving global cardiovascular, cerebrovascular,...
American Chemical Society – Division of Medicinal Chemistry Predoctoral Fellowships
May. 8, 2024—Deadline: February 1, 2025 URL: The MEDI Division Predoctoral Fellowship Awards (acsmedchem.org) Description Fellowships support predoctoral students in their second or third year of graduate study (at the time of application) engaged in medicinal chemistry research in a Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Chemistry department listed in the current ACS Directory of Graduate Research. Mentors for all...
American Australian Association (AAA) – Fellowships for Research in Australia
May. 8, 2024—Deadline: August 1 – September 30, 2024 URL: Graduate Education Fund – American Australian Association Description: Fellowships support research or study in Australia in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, medicine, journalism, and sustainability. The fellowship offers support for one year. Eligibility: Applicants: Must be a US citizen or permanent resident. Must be doing research...