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John E. Chapman, M.D. Society

Charitable gifts from alumni and friends provide critical support for our students, faculty members, and programs. The Chapman Society recognizes financial support designated to any area of VUSM by those who make annual gifts of $2,500 and up each fiscal year. Alumni who received their degrees within the last 10 years are eligible for membership with a commitment of $1,000 each fiscal year.

Member Benefits

  • Invitations to VUSM special events
  • Informative monthly VUSM Dean’s e-newsletter
  • Donor recognition event
  • New member recognition with commemorative lapel pin

Give Now!


Questions? Please contact us at, or contact Nicky Disbrow, Executive Director of Development, at 615-322-8976 or


History of John E. Chapman, M.D.

JohnChapman.jpgAs the longest-serving dean in Vanderbilt University School of Medicine history, John E. Chapman, M.D., and his wife, Judy Jean, fostered a caring and family-like atmosphere that continues to be a hallmark feature of the school. Dean Chapman led the school for a quarter of a century (1975-2001); during that time, he conferred degrees on more than 3,000 Vanderbilt medical students and grew the faculty by 789 members. As a visionary for medical education, Chapman is remembered for both his contributions at Vanderbilt and also his far-reaching national influence.