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Thank you for visiting the internet home of the Chemical and Physical Biology (CPB) graduate program at Vanderbilt University. The CPB program fosters education and training at the interface of the chemical sciences, physical sciences, and biology. The course work and research components of the program prepare students for research careers in which they are able to bring state-of-the-art tools of the modern chemical and physical sciences, mathematics, engineering, and computing to bear on cutting-edge problems in biology and medicine. The CPB program was founded by Drs. Al Beth and Hassane Mchaourab in 2007.

The program encompasses four tracks: Chemical Biology, Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics, Systems Biology, and Imaging Science. Each track has a curriculum of core classes that provide students with foundational knowledge in that discipline, as well as elective offerings that serve to tailor and customize each student’s curriculum.  Each track is directed by a senior member of the Vanderbilt faculty and is associated with one or more research centers and institutional training grants. To help you learn more about the CPB program, please explore the rest of our site and contact the program leadership with questions.


Ivelin Georgiev, PhD  Program Director