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Master of Science Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP) Cost of Attendance

Costs for 2024-2025

view 2023-2024 costs

The following expenses represent the amounts established by the Vanderbilt University Office of Student Financial Aid as reasonable costs for attending Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. It is expected that most students can live within these costs. Students with extenuating circumstances may reach out to the Office of Enrollment Services with documentation and exceptions. Dependent child daycare costs may be added with documentation. Modest annual increases can be expected. The cost of attendance provided is for full-time enrollment and will be adjusted for less than full-time enrollment or single-term enrollment. The Board of Trust approved tuition and fees costs in April 2024.

^Students without an undergraduate background in communication sciences and disorders attend 12 months in Year 2. Students with an undergraduate background in communication sciences and disorders attend 9 months in Year 2.
*Student Services Fees are charged at $324 for fall and for spring semesters, and $110 for summer semester.
*Student Health Fees are charged at $422 for fall and for spring semesters, and $124 for summer semester.
** Personal includes allowance of $331/month for health insurance.
*** Loan Fees are based on average loan fees incurred by similarly classified borrowers during the previous academic year.

‡Explanation of Fees

Student Health Insurance Fee

  • This fee covers the cost of the Student Health Insurance Plan offered through Vanderbilt University.
  • The annual fee is charged to the student’s account in two installments in the fall and spring terms.
  • This fee may be waived for students who have coverage through a comparable plan.
  • Visit the Student Health Center website to learn more about waiving coverage beginning on June 15, 2024.

Student Services Fee

  • This fee support co-curricular interests and events as well as recreational programs administered through the Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center. Additional information can be found in the Vanderbilt University Student Handbook (
  • The annual fee is charged to the student’s account in the fall, spring and summer terms.

Student Health Fee

  • This fee provides enhanced support for the University Counseling Center, the Office of Student Health and the Office of Student Care Coordination.
  • The annual fee is charged to the student’s account in the fall, spring and summer terms.

Transcript Fee

Costs for 2023-2024

The following expenses represent the amounts established by the Vanderbilt University Office of Student Financial Aid as reasonable costs for attending Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. It is expected that most students can live within these costs. Students with extenuating circumstances may reach out to the Office of Enrollment Services with documentation and exceptions. Dependent child day-care costs may be added with documentation. Modest annual increases can be expected.


^Students without an undergraduate background in communication sciences and disorders attend 12 months in Year 2. Students with an undergraduate background in communication sciences and disorders attend 9 months in Year 2.
*Student Services Fees are charged at $305 for fall and spring semesters, and $104 for summer semester. Student Health Fees are charged at $387 for fall and spring semesters, and $114 for summer semester.
** Personal includes allowance of $311/month for health insurance.
*** Loan Fees are based on average loan fees incurred by similarly classified borrowers during the previous academic year.


‡Explanation of Fees

Student Health Insurance Fee

Student Services Fee

  • This fee supports co-curricular interests and events as well as recreational programs administered through the Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center. Additional information can be found in the Vanderbilt University Student Handbook (
  • The annual fee is charged to the student’s account in the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Student Health Fee

  • This fee provides enhanced support for the University Counseling Center, the Office of Student Health and the Office of Student Care Coordination.
  • The annual fee is charged to the student’s account in the fall, spring and summer terms.

Transcript Fee