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Data Sharing Policy

The HTS Core Facility Stores project Data on network drives which are routinely backed up. Raw data is stored to a Data Drive in an anonymous, unlinked format. Data analysis information and protocols will be stored on Sharepoint for each project. By default, all project level information on the project site is private. The PI for each project, or a designated proxy, will be able to add user access to the project site for additional lab members and collaborators.

HTS staff members will have access to all project data for the purposes of quality control. PIs have the option of sharing their target, compound hits, or other data with other PIs with compatible interests and assays. PIs must opt-in for any sharing options when completing the Intake Form. All data acquired in the HTS facility, data analysis performed by HTS staff, or protocols and assays developed by HTS staff must be acknowledged in any publication, presentations, and grant applications resulting from the work.