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Patient Complaints in Orthopedic Surgery: An Analysis Utilizing a Large National Database


Sarfani S , Rees A , Vickery J , Kuhn JE , Galloway MB , Domenico H , Pichert JW , Cooper WO , . The Orthopedic clinics of North America. 2022 9 14; 53(4). 491-497


INTRODUCTION: Unsolicited patient complaints (UPCs) about surgeons correlate with surgical complications and malpractice claims. Analysis of UPCs in orthopedics is limited.

METHODS: Patient complaint reports recorded at 36 medical centers between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2018 were coded using a previously validated coding algorithm Patient Advocacy Reporting System.

RESULTS: A total of 33,174 physicians had 4 consecutive years of data across the 36 participating medical centers and met other inclusion criteria.

CONCLUSIONS: Orthopedists with high numbers of UPCs may benefit from being made aware of their elevated risk status in ways that invite reflection on underlying causes.
