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Aggregate and hospital-level impact of national guidelines on diagnostic resource utilization for children with pneumonia at children's hospitals.


Parikh K , Hall M , Blaschke AJ , Grijalva CG , Brogan TV , Neuman MI , Williams DJ , Gerber JS , Hersh AL , Shah SS , . Journal of hospital medicine. 2016 1 13; ().
  • NIHMSID: 101271025


National guidelines for the management of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children were published in 2011. These guidelines discourage most diagnostic testing for outpatients, as well as repeat testing for hospitalized patients who are improving. We sought to evaluate the temporal trends in diagnostic testing associated with guideline implementation among children with CAP.

National guidelines for the management of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children were published in 2011. These guidelines discourage most diagnostic testing for outpatients, as well as repeat testing for hospitalized patients who are improving. We sought to evaluate the temporal trends in diagnostic testing associated with guideline implementation among children with CAP.
