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Association Between Ophthalmologist Age and Unsolicited Patient Complaints.


Fathy CA , Pichert JW , Domenico H , Kohanim S , Sternberg P , Cooper WO , . JAMA ophthalmology. 2017 11 30; ().


Understanding the distribution of patient complaints by physician age may provide insight into common patient concerns characteristic of early, middle, and late stages of careers in ophthalmology. Most previous studies of patient dissatisfaction have not addressed the association with physician age or controlled for other characteristics (eg, practice setting, subspecialty) that may contribute to the likelihood of patient complaints, unsafe care, and lawsuits.

Understanding the distribution of patient complaints by physician age may provide insight into common patient concerns characteristic of early, middle, and late stages of careers in ophthalmology. Most previous studies of patient dissatisfaction have not addressed the association with physician age or controlled for other characteristics (eg, practice setting, subspecialty) that may contribute to the likelihood of patient complaints, unsafe care, and lawsuits.
