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In-hospital Deaths among Adults with Community-Acquired Pneumonia.


Waterer GW , Self WH , Courtney DM , Grijalva CG , Balk RA , Girard TD , Fakhran SS , Trabue C , McNabb P , Anderson EJ , Williams DJ , Bramley AM , Jain S , Edwards KM , Wunderink RG , . Chest. 2018 5 30; ().
  • NIHMSID: 0231335


Adults hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia are at high risk for short-term mortality. However, it is unclear whether improvements in in-hospital pneumonia care could substantially lower this risk. We extensively reviewed all in-hospital deaths in a large prospective CAP study to assess the cause of each death and assess the extent of potentially preventable mortality.

Adults hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia are at high risk for short-term mortality. However, it is unclear whether improvements in in-hospital pneumonia care could substantially lower this risk. We extensively reviewed all in-hospital deaths in a large prospective CAP study to assess the cause of each death and assess the extent of potentially preventable mortality.
