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Recruitment strategies and challenges in a large intervention trial: Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial.


Ramsey TM , Snyder JK , Lovato LC , Roumie CL , Glasser SP , Cosgrove NM , Olney CM , Tang RH , Johnson KC , Still CH , Gren LH , Childs JC , Crago OL , Summerson JH , Walsh SM , Perdue LH , Bankowski DM , Goff DC , , . Clinical trials (London, England). 2016 2 24; ().
  • NIHMSID: 101197451


The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial is a multicenter, randomized clinical trial of 9361 participants with hypertension who are ≥50 years old. The trial is designed to evaluate the effect of intensive systolic blood pressure control (systolic blood pressure goal <120 mm Hg) compared to standard control (systolic blood pressure goal <140 mm Hg) on cardiovascular events using commonly prescribed antihypertensive medications and lifestyle modification.

The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial is a multicenter, randomized clinical trial of 9361 participants with hypertension who are ≥50 years old. The trial is designed to evaluate the effect of intensive systolic blood pressure control (systolic blood pressure goal <120 mm Hg) compared to standard control (systolic blood pressure goal <140 mm Hg) on cardiovascular events using commonly prescribed antihypertensive medications and lifestyle modification.
