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Unsolicited Patient Complaints in Ophthalmology: An Empirical Analysis from a Large National Database.


Kohanim S , Sternberg P , Karrass J , Cooper WO , Pichert JW , . Ophthalmology. 2015 11 4; ().
  • NIHMSID: 7802443


The number of unsolicited patient complaints about a physician has been shown to correlate with increased malpractice risk. Using a large national patient complaint database, we evaluated the number and content of unsolicited patient complaints about ophthalmologists to identify significant risk factors for receiving a complaint.

The number of unsolicited patient complaints about a physician has been shown to correlate with increased malpractice risk. Using a large national patient complaint database, we evaluated the number and content of unsolicited patient complaints about ophthalmologists to identify significant risk factors for receiving a complaint.
