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Use of Unsolicited Patient Observations to Identify Surgeons With Increased Risk for Postoperative Complications.


Cooper WO , Guillamondegui O , Hines OJ , Hultman CS , Kelz RR , Shen P , Spain DA , Sweeney JF , Moore IN , Hopkins J , Horowitz IR , Howerton RM , Meredith JW , Spell NO , Sullivan P , Domenico HJ , Pichert JW , Catron TF , Webb LE , Dmochowski RR , Karrass J , Hickson GB , . JAMA surgery. 2017 2 15; ().
  • NIHMSID: 101589553


Unsolicited patient observations are associated with risk of medical malpractice claims. Because lawsuits may be triggered by an unexpected adverse outcome superimposed on a strained patient-physician relationship, a question remains as to whether behaviors that generate patient dissatisfaction might also contribute to the genesis of adverse outcomes themselves.

Unsolicited patient observations are associated with risk of medical malpractice claims. Because lawsuits may be triggered by an unexpected adverse outcome superimposed on a strained patient-physician relationship, a question remains as to whether behaviors that generate patient dissatisfaction might also contribute to the genesis of adverse outcomes themselves.
