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Recent advances in molecular biology and diagnostic technologies have provided new insights into cellular physiology and human disease mechanisms. Translating these advances into a better understanding of human pathophysiology requires a unique set of skills. The skills and knowledge necessary for translational research and clinical investigation differ from the techniques of outcomes research and epidemiology taught through schools of public health.

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Medical Center have been leaders in clinical investigators’ training for several years. In 1996, the Clinical Research Task Force recommended developing a Master’s program in clinical investigation to build upon Vanderbilt’s legacy for training clinical investigators. As a result, the Executive Faculty approved the Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI) Program of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 1999. Dr. Nancy J. Brown and Dr. Thomas A. Hazinski led the initiative.

Vanderbilt’s MSCI program continues the University’s tradition of excellence in education and training in clinical and translational research. Since 2000, MSCI scholars have published over 10,100 research articles since matriculation, including publications in NEJM, JAMA, and Lancet. Since the program’s inception in 2000, VUSM MSCI alums and students have amassed $24.3M+ as principal investigators of individual K and K-equivalent awards, $146.6M+ as principal investigators of R and R-equivalent awards, $2.4M+ as PI of Bridge (K99/R00) awards, and more than $109.7M in foundation grants. Of the K-awardees, 71.4% converted to an R-award. Nearly 70% of MSCI alums pursue careers in academic medicine, and almost 30% maintain a career in industry/pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, Vanderbilt’s MSCI program maintains a 99% completion rate.