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March 28 with Eric Bankaitis

Posted by on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 in Uncategorized .

Presented by Eric Bankaitis 

Graduate Student- Chris Wright Lab

Brg1 Governs a Positive Feedback Circuit in the Hair Follicle for Tissue Regeneration and Repair.

Xiong et al. – 2013 Developmental Cell; 25 pages 169-181 

Untitled-2 copy copy.jpgExperimental models of tissue-tissue interactions that guide cyclical homeostasis and/or acute regeneration are emerging in complex mammalian systems.  Understanding the molecular circuitry for stepwise, often inter-dependent, interactions within “tissue units” will help to address developmental and pathological disorders.  Xiong et. al. identify Brg1 (part of the BAF chromatin-remodeling complex) as mediator and activator of Shh signals guiding hair follicle growth and regeneration.  Brg1 and Shh enlist the transcription factors NF-kB or Gli, respectively, in different cellular domains of the hair growth/regeneration cycle.  The study demonstrates how chromatin remodeling, transcriptional regulation, and intercellular signaling are integrated to control stem cells during tissue regeneration.