Prescription Medication

Many patients have prescription benefits with their health insurance plan which may be accepted at a local pharmacy. This means that if you go to a local pharmacy you may purchase medication with a copay amount that is determined by the individual plan – this varies, depending on the specific medication and the plan coverage. Aetna Student Insurance charges $15 for a generic, $50 for a brand name medication, and $75 for a brand name medication with a generic equivalent with no maximum prescription limit.  Please note that there is a no pharmacy deductible with the Aetna Student Insurance.

The Student Health Center dispensary is stocked with many commonly prescribed medications. We typically sell these medications at prices that are often lower than local pharmacies. If we offer the medication prescribed at a comparable or lower price than your insurance co-pay then it makes sense to buy the medication at the Student Health Center, rather than making a trip to the pharmacy. However, if your co-pay is quite low and we cannot compete with that price then it may make sense to purchase your prescription medication with your insurance at a local pharmacy. Medication availability and costs may be discussed with your Student Health Center provider.  Note that medications from our dispensary must be paid for at the time of checkout.  

The Student Health Center does not fill prescriptions written by an outside medical provider.