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Vanderbilt Genome Editing Resource (VGER), formerly known as the Transgenic Mouse/ES Cell Shared Resource, has been a trusted and invaluable resource specializing in generating unique mouse lines, cryopreservation, and rederivation for 30 years. Over the years, we have served 340 investigators by generating over 3,500 unique mouse strains. Since 2013, we have produced more than 165 genome-edited alleles using CRISPR/Cas9. In addition to genome editing services, we have also played a crucial role in cryopreserving mouse strains. To date, we have successfully cryopreserved more than 930 unique strains, ensuring the long-term safeguarding of these resources.  Notably, 57 of these preserved lines are now accessible through the Vanderbilt Cryopreserved Mouse Repository.