About Us

Welcome to the Vanderbilt Brain Institute! We are a vibrant community spread across all of Vanderbilt, united in our mission to promote and foster excellence in research, education and training in brain-related disciplines.

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Connected Across Campus

Founded in 1999, our ranks have grown amazingly. We are comprised of nearly 500 faculty, staff, students and trainees from throughout Vanderbilt, representing five colleges, 24 departments and 27 centers and institutes. Together through our nationally recognized Ph.D. program, research contributions, training, and public outreach, we strive to advance our understanding of neuroscience, improving brain health and quality of life. 

Our Team

Lisa Monteggia
Director, Vanderbilt Brain Institute
Professor of Pharmacology

In addition to our core leadership team, VBI brings together people from multiple departments involved in a wide range of neuroscience-related initiatives. Our directories for training faculty, affiliate faculty and graduate students ensures you'll be able to find whoever it is you're looking for.

Our Values

  • Committed to DEIJB

    In addition to our dedication to impactful science and education, the Vanderbilt Brain Institute is committed to supporting, promoting and respecting the equal and fair treatment of all persons, regardless of their identity, race, socioeconomic status, nationality, disability, religion, culture, gender, or sexual orientation.

  • Community Outreach

    We engage in several community service activities throughout the year, including Brain Blast! our annual signature event. We also visit high schools across Tennessee to talk to students about neuroscience, and have teaching partnerships with both Fort Campbell and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Get Involved

  • Support VBI

While our research is supported by government and private institutions, your direct donation allows the VBI to rapidly and flexibly pursue innovative research directions that might otherwise take well over a year to receive funding. Thank you!

  • Join VBI

In addition to posting job openings at Vanderbilt University, we also curate neuroscience-related positions at other organizations within our network. 

  • Visit VBI

VBI is housed in Medical Research Building III, a state-of-the-art research facility that sits at the transition between the Medical and University campuses. The beautiful Vanderbilt campus encompasses 330 acres in the West End neighborhood of Nashville, and is a national arboretum showcasing over 300 unique trees and shrubs.