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Gabbe College


Dr. Steven Gabbe is remembered as the rousing force behind Vanderbilt’s emergence as an eminent academic medical center in patient care, education and research in the 21st century. Dean Gabbe led tremendous projects to upgrade and modernize Vanderbilt’s facilities which set the standard for other schools. Through his leadership, he assembled a student body and faculty full of heart, energy and commitment to service.

Those in the proud fellowship of Gabbe College have the Golden Lion to convey a symbolic message of leadership, dignity and wisdom in judgment, characteristics of Dean Gabbe’s tenure at Vanderbilt. The royalty of Dean Gabbe is denoted by dual crowns, two in number to represent his attention to both collegiality and collaboration. Through that spirit, Dean Gabbe and the college that commemorates his legacy serve as the leaders of the present and future. They are ‘Primus Inter Pares,’ First Among Equals.