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A Message from Dean Balser

Dear Friends,

Each year, one event marks the beginning of the academic year at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine as much as any other—the White Coat Ceremony, which welcomes new M.D. students into our community. Each student receives their white coat to symbolize the beginning of their medical school journey and their choice to become a Vanderbilt-trained physician. It is an inspiring celebration for students and families and for all of us at the School of Medicine. I am grateful for the support of our donor community, which makes this tradition—and many other efforts—possible.

We take great pride in the fact that the first degree awarded by Vanderbilt was the Doctor of Medicine in 1875, and next year we will celebrate the 150 years since by reflecting on our accomplishments while also pursuing a vision of amplified excellence. Every member of our community is vital to our continued success as a pre-eminent educator of clinicians and scientists. Notably, your gifts allow us to advance key priorities:

  • Scholarship and student support: Interest in Vanderbilt’s School of Medicine has never been stronger. Our M.D. program attracts nearly 7,000 applicants for 96 positions in the entering class, yet we still see highly qualified applicants ultimately choose other schools for more attractive financial aid packages. While the M.D. program is our longest-running training program, each of our 11 degree programs must increase available scholarship support to more effectively compete for the best students. Scholarships provide students with flexibility in selecting their career paths by lessening their debt burden.
  • An unparalleled academic experience within a model curriculum: Known for rigorous academics in a supportive environment, we are considered a model for medical training by institutions across the country. Our distinctive approach allows us to offer a highly personalized intellectual experience that enables leadership in medical care and research.

Your gifts support our students—directly through scholarships and other financial awards, and indirectly by enhancing academic programs and enrichment opportunities. This support also creates a ripple effect of giving, exemplified by students like Class of 2026 members Hae Weon Lee, who volunteers as a tutor and works with autistic children, and Maro Doce, a student leader with the Tennessee Medical Association. Both receive scholarship support, and they have chosen to help the local community through Shade Tree Clinic, a free community health resource in Nashville that is staffed by our medical students with faculty volunteers as mentors.

Thank you for your support. It is vital to help us attract the people, and continue the traditions, that make the educational experience at Vanderbilt so extraordinary. Please make a gift today by giving online at

Warmest regards,

Jeffrey R. Balser, MD’90, PhD’90
Dean, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
President and CEO, Vanderbilt University Medical Center