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Course Evaluation Process Overview

Course evaluation uses an eight-step process to examine how the design and organization of courses and their content helps medical students learn.

This process is in place to ensure that student and faculty feedback is considered when the course director plans for the next iteration or round of a given class. If a course is offered multiple times in one academic year, steps 3 – 8 occur after the last iteration of the course in the academic year and once student feedback is combined.

Step 1. Survey Creation

The course director develops up to 10 questions that are specific to the course, relevant, and capable of providing data that can inform course improvement. OUME evaluation staff combines these course-specific questions with standard course evaluation questions. For courses occurring multiple times in the same academic year, the same survey is launched each time the course ends.

Step 2. Survey Distribution

OUME evaluation staff sends the survey to the enrolled students along with email reminders for completion (as needed).

Step 3. Student Review

A member of the Student Curriculum Committee (SCC) reviews the survey data in aggregate and submits feedback that pinpoints course strengths and  opportunities for growth as identified by the students who completed the course evaluation.

Step 4. Course Director Review

The course director reviews the course evaluation data in aggregate and provides a response to the data.

Step 5. External Faculty Review

A faculty member external to the course also reviews the aggregate evaluation data and the course syllabus before providing their response to the data.

Step 6. Phase Team Review

The Phase leadership team meets with the course director and other reviewers to discuss the combined data, and submits written recommendations for actionable changes in the form of a Phase Team Report. This review meeting may include multiple courses from the same phase to facilitate phase changes and further discussion.

Step 7. UMEC Review

The Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UMEC) reviews the Phase Team Report and provides feedback as needed.

Step 8. Implementation of Changes

The Phase leadership team meets directly with the course director to discuss any course improvements and timelines before the next academic year. The course director then implements appropriate changes.