Glossary of Terminology
VUSM – Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
SOM – School of Medicine
SON – School of Nursing
FMK Phase – Foundations of Medical Knowledge, first-year curriculum
- HBA: Human Blueprint and Architecture – Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Genetics
- M&I: Microbes and Immunity
- Homeostasis: Heart, Lung, and Blood
- R&D: Renal & Digestion
- R&E: Reproduction & Endocrine
- BBM: Brain, Behavior, and Movement – Musculoskeletal and Head Anatomy, Neurology and Psychiatry
- FPR: Foundations of Physician Responsibility
- Self Development/Learning Communities (LC)
- Patient Care
- Clinic Home Preceptor (CHP)
- Team Collaboration/Vanderbilt Interprofessional Health Education Collaborative (VIPHEC)
- Systems Engagement/Health Systems Sciences (HSS)
- Res: Research –Clinical Applications of Scientific Evidence (CASE)
FCC Phase – Foundations of Clinical Care, second-year curriculum
- Students take standard clerkships
- MED: Medicine
- PED: Pediatrics
- PSYCH: Psychiatry
- NEUR: Neurology
- SURG: Surgery
- OBGN: Obstetrics/Gynecology
- FHD: Foundations of Health Care Delivery
- LC: Learning Communities
- Res: Research – Discovery
IMM Phase – Immersion, third- and fourth-year curriculum
- ACE: Advanced Clinical Experience
- AI: Acting Internship
- AE: Advanced Elective
- ISC: Integrated Science Course
- PC: Primary Care
- Res: Research – PLAN
- Rsrch Imm: Research Immersion
- FHD: Foundations of Health Care Delivery
- LC: Learning Communities