Learn More about Vanderbilt’s Master of Science in Clinical Investigation
273 Graduates
99% of MSCI trainees complete the Master of Science in Clinical Investigation degree
10,500+ Original Research Publications
$289M+ in Grant Funding
K Awards: $24.3M+
R Awards: $155.4+
Foundation Grants: $109.7M+
Learn more about Vanderbilt MSCI
Our Alumni Say

“As I continue to move forward in my career development, I often reference the skills and experiences I have gained through the MSCI program. The curriculum is high-yield and has allowed me to better understand the design and interpretation of research, as well as improve my medical writing, and grantsmanship. In addition to this robust curriculum, the MSCI program provided a community of support that has fostered long-term relationships with mentors invested in my career.”
Wendy Bottinor, MD, MSCI
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine, Cardiology
Virginia Commonwealth University
“Completion of the Vanderbilt MSCI program has been critical in my journey to becoming a successful physician-scientist. I completed the program amid the COVID pandemic, which one could imagine afforded several challenges, each of which was seamlessly navigated by the MSCI leadership team—Eric, Arnita, and Alp. The faculty is world-class and very approachable. I could attempt to list all the skills I learned through the program, but I think most importantly, I learned to be an ethical and thoughtful physician-scientist equipped with the knowledge to answer research questions.”
Donald Lynch, MD, MSCI
Assistant Professor, Medicine, Cardiovascular Health and Disease
University of Cincinnati
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program, Targeting Thromboinflammation to Improve Outcomes Following Transcatheter Mitral Intervention