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Research Mentor Resources

While mentoring can be a wonderful experience for both mentee and mentor, each mentoring experience is unique, and mentoring relationships (like all others) can have their challenges. To that end, the Office of Medical Student Research encourages mentors to reach out to us at with any concerns or questions. We want to support you and ensure that you and your mentee have a productive, fulfilling research experience.


We have found found the following articles and websites to be helpful for mentors in Research Immersion and the Medical Scholars Program.

General Mentoring

Academic Mentoring—How to Give It and How to Get It.” Detsky et al., JAMA. Vol. 297, No. 19. May 16, 2008: 2134-2136.

Issues in the Mentor-Mentee Relationship in Academic Medicine: A Qualitative Study” Straus et al., Academic Medicine. Vol 84, No. 1. Jan. 2009: 135-139.

University of Wisconsin Mentor/Mentee Resources offers a variety of information for enhancing mentorship skills.

Will You Be My Mentor?—Four Archetypes to Help Mentees Succeed in Academic Medicine.” Chopra et al., JAMA Internal Medicine. Vol. 178, No. 2. February 2018: 175-176.

Supporting Diverse Mentees

Career Progression in Academic Medicine: Perspectives from Junior Faculty Women of Color.” Caterina F. Hill, Center for Gender in Organizations: Linking gender and organizational effectiveness. Briefing Note Number 39. November 2014: 1-6.

Mentoring in the Era of #MeToo.” Julie Story Byerley, JAMA. Vol. 319, No. 12. March 27, 2018: 1199-1200.

National Research Mentoring Network  A consortium of biomedical researchers and institutions, the NRMN provides many mentoring resources to support historically underrepresented mentees.



*Interested in becoming a Research Immersion or Medical Scholar’s mentor? Please contact for more detailed information.