Ann Price, MD, steps down from VMAA post

Ann Price, MD’78, who has served as associate dean of Vanderbilt Medical Alumni Affairs (VMAA) since 2008, stepped down from the position, effective July 1.
Price, who served as executive director of VMAA from 2003-2008 before being named associate dean, has moved to part-time status in a physician liaison role with the VMAA and continues to support all aspects of the VMAA’s mission.
Sarah Creekmore Woodall, BA’00, a familiar face to many alumni from her long tenure in the Office of Medical Student Affairs, has assumed the position of director of VMAA.
“After working with so many years of VUSM students, I am thrilled to move into the Alumni Affairs role and foster that lifelong engagement that helps make a Vanderbilt education so special. I am so thankful to be able to work closely with Dr. Price in her new role, which will ensure a smooth and positive transition as we look toward the future of VMAA,” Woodall said.
Price was instrumental in restructuring the VMAA board to include not only Vanderbilt University School of Medicine graduate representatives from across the country, but also provide board seats for former house staff trainees who represent Vanderbilt University Medical Center specialty societies.
During her tenure, she established VMAA mentoring and host programs that engage alumni with current students. These programs are now widely emulated at other medical schools. In collaboration with Eskind Biomedical Library colleagues, Price implemented free online learning resources for medical alumni. She and her staff help plan and orchestrate the VUSM biennial reunions and host alumni regional and national conference events across the country.
“For nearly two decades Dr. Price has played an integral role in the school’s relationship with its alumni. Through her personal touch, Ann has excelled at connecting with alums from across the country,” said Jeff Balser, MD, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Dean of VUSM.
Price initiated a series of student-focused events that celebrate educational milestones, such as the “You’re Halfway There” luncheon for second-year medical students and “Almost Alumni” pre-graduation celebration for fourth-year students. Price and her team provided house staff nights out and supported House Staff Advisory Council initiatives.
“I have especially enjoyed the ability to work alongside and provide mentorship for our incredibly talented Vanderbilt medical students and VUMC house staff. It is a special joy to watch them graduate, complete training and become Vanderbilt medical alumni leaders as faculty members, community physicians and research scientists. We have the best medical alums anywhere, and it’s been a distinct privilege to serve them as their associate dean. I look forward to continuing to serve our Vanderbilt medical alumni in my new role,” Price said.

Woodall began her career at Vanderbilt in 2004. From 2016-2021 she was administrative director in the School of Medicine’s Office of Medical Student Affairs where she provided oversight and strategy through program management, volunteer management, student progress and compliance and school operations. She also provided operational support to executive leadership for five mission-critical programs and 25 events, including orientation, White Coat ceremony, Match Day and Commencement.
She oversaw, prepared and managed the office’s annual budget and operation expenses and served as lead administrative and logistical support for more than 200 student leaders and 400 student events.
From 2004-2016, she held positions in medical student affairs, alumni outreach and alumni relations, all at Vanderbilt. Woodall is immediate past president of the Junior League of Nashville and was a member of Leadership Nashville’s class of 2020.