‘ASPIRE Programs’
2021 ASPIRE Career Symposium: Writing Panel
Apr. 7, 2021— It’s time for the 2021 ASPIRE Annual Career Symposium: Careers for the Citizen Scientist! WRITING PANEL Friday, May 7 3:00-4:00pm CST Zoom Webinar Register for Writing Panel Dr. Christopher Arnette, PhD, Developmental Editor for Current Protocols, Wiley Dr. Christopher Arnette received his PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology from Vanderbilt University with Dr. Irina Kaverina. His...
2021 ASPIRE Career Symposium: Managing Panel
Apr. 7, 2021—It’s time for the 2021 ASPIRE Annual Career Symposium: Careers for the Citizen Scientist! MANAGING PANEL Friday, May 7 1:30-2:30pm CST Zoom Webinar Register for Managing Panel Dr. Zusi Andrews, PhD, Biologist and Medical Writer, NIH/NCI Dr. Zusi Andrews, PhD, is a trained biologist and medical writer for the NIH (NCI). As a medical writer and science...
2021 ASPIRE Career Symposium: Advocating Panel
Apr. 7, 2021—It’s time for the 2021 ASPIRE Annual Career Symposium: Careers for the Citizen Scientist! ADVOCATING PANEL Friday, May 7 9:00-10:00am CST Zoom Webinar Register for Advocating Panel Dr. Denise Zannino Childree, PhD, Science Policy and Communications Strategist, National Science Foundation (NSF) Dr. Denise Zannino Childree, PhD is a Science Policy and Communications Strategist at the National Science...
PhD Career Stories: Tim Shaver, PhD
Mar. 18, 2021—Join us for the final PhD Career Stories session of the season! We will be virtually hosting Vanderbilt Alumnus Tim Shaver, PhD. He serves as Senior Computational Scientist at Inscripta, Inc. Come hear is story! Friday, April 23, 2021 10am, via Zoom Registration required
PhD Career Stories: A Medical Science Liaison Panel
Mar. 13, 2021—For our PhD Career Stories March session, we will be featuring a panel of Medical Science Liaisons. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Alumni who are working in this career area. Have your questions and coffee ready to join us on Zoom! Friday March 26, 2021, 10am via Zoom Medical Science Liaisons: Featuring Carl...
ASPIRE Module: Practical Strategies for Strong Writing, Spring 2021
Feb. 11, 2021—In this module, experts from the Vanderbilt Writing Studio will teach scientists to become more effective writers. Sessions will focus on understanding reader expectations, foundational principles of argumentative structure, and writing cohesive paragraphs and sentences. A third session will be held that will consist of a hands-on workshop, working with consultants at the writing studio...
PhD Career Stories: Sylvie Raver, PhD
Jan. 15, 2021—Join us for February’s PhD Career Stories event with Dr. Sylvie Raver, Associate Director at the Milken Institute Center for Strategic Philanthropy. Friday February 12, 2021 10:00AM This session will be offered via Zoom. Be sure to register in order to receive the Zoom login information https://vanderbilt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkf-urpzkiGtfz6rclxJNSu9tC9tNZo9Hv Sylvie Raver is an associate director at the Milken...
ASPIRE Module: Management and Business Principles for Scientists, 2021
Nov. 25, 2020—Business principles affect all organizations. In today’s highly competitive and highly complicated working environments, understanding these principles gives leaders and managers a strategic advantage, enabling them to handle situations more effectively and make decisions more effectively. In spring semester 2021, the BRET Office of Career Development is offering a module for biomedical PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, Business...
ASPIRE in October!
Sep. 28, 2020—As it is finally feeling like Fall, we have some amazing things planned for this month. Don’t miss out. Be sure to register and mark your calendars! 10/8/2020 11am: ASPIRE Bistro: The Next Step- Applying for a Postdoc of Your Post-Grad Job 10/15/2020 11am: ASPIRE Cafe: What to Expect from a Faculty Interview 10/19/2020 1:30pm: PhD...
How to Use the New ASPIRE Stamp Icons
Aug. 25, 2020—In order to better assist biomedical graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in making decisions about which of the ASPIRE programs and offerings are most beneficial to them at their current stage of training, we are now “stamping” session titles by training stage: early, mid-late, or all. These stamps apply to both grad students and postdocs....
PhD Career Stories: Karen Vieira, PhD
Aug. 13, 2020—September 18, 2020 at 10:00 am A don’t miss event! The September ASPIRE PhD Career Stories session will feature Dr. Karen Vieira, CEO of the Med Writers. Read more about Dr. Vieira’s background and learn more about The Med Writers here. This session will be offered via Zoom. Be sure to register by midnight...
ASPIRE Module: EQ+IQ=Career Success, Fall 2020
Aug. 12, 2020—The ASPIRE Modules are short, non-credit bearing electives that broaden the training experiences of biomedical sciences trainees. These elective modules provide efficient exposure to topics in four theme areas: Business/ Entrepreneurship, Communication, Teaching, and Clinical research.The ASPIRE Modules are optional and open to any biomedical sciences PhD student or postdoctoral fellow who wishes to take them to supplement their research...
ASPIRE Module: Maximizing Your Potential- Leading and Managing People, Projects, and Your Career
Aug. 12, 2020—Description: Graduate school is challenging on multiple levels. For second– and third– year students, this module is designed to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to maximize your time, maintain your motivation, and minimize your frustration over the course of your training. This module will help you jumpstart your research training, with the topics and...
ASPIRE Bistro for PhD Students: ASPIRE for Career Planning
Aug. 3, 2020—Thursday, September 2, 2021 11am Zoom with the ASPIRE Team Kick off your professional development for the 2021-2022 academic year with ASPIRE Bistro for PhD students. In this special session on career planning, the ASPIRE team will provide an overview of ASPIRE programs and services for the upcoming year, including new programs and changes...
ASPIRE Job Search Series: Interviewing and Onboarding Virtually
Aug. 3, 2020—Thursday April 1, 2021 11:00am Virtual ***Although this event has previously been a drop-in event, please note that since they are now virtual, we are requesting a registration so we may provide you a Zoom log-in.** Ashley Brady, PhD Assistant Dean of Biomedical Career Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Assistant Professor of Medical Education and Administration...
ASPIRE Module: Networking Pacing, Fall 2020
Jul. 16, 2020—The ASPIRE Networking Pacing Module is a series designed to prepare participants to make the most of networking at an upcoming professional conference, networking event or through informational interviewing. Over the course of 8 weeks, we will break down the process of networking into approachable steps and provide real-world examples. The sessions will cover networking...
ASPIRE PhD Career Stories: Rachel Skelton, PhD
Jul. 15, 2020—August 14th, 2020 at 10:00 am Be sure to attend virtually our first ASPIRE PhD Career Stories session of the 2020-21 academic year with Dr. Rachel Skelton. Dr. Skelton is a Vanderbilt alumnus who is using her PhD in business development. Come hear how she navigated her career path, and how you can use...
ASPIRE Module: Creating Effective Scientific Talks and Delivering Them With Confidence, Fall 2020
Jul. 15, 2020—The ASPIRE Modules are short, non-credit bearing electives that broaden the training experiences of biomedical sciences trainees. These elective modules provide efficient exposure to topics in four theme areas: Business/Entrepreneurship, Communication, Teaching, and Clinical research.The ASPIRE Modules are optional and open to any biomedical sciences PhD student or postdoctoral fellow who wishes to take them to supplement their research training....
ASPIRE Module: Practical Strategies in Strong Writing, Fall 2020
Jul. 15, 2020—In this module, experts from the Vanderbilt Writing Studio will teach scientists to become more effective writers. Sessions will focus on understanding reader expectations, foundational principles of argumentative structure, and writing cohesive paragraphs and sentences. A third session will be held that will consist of a hands-on workshop, working with consultants at the writing studio...
ASPIRE Cafe: Fellowships & NRSAs to Fund Your Postdoctoral Training
Jul. 1, 2020—Thursday, October 14, 2021 11:00am Location: Light Hall 419 BCD Kim Petrie, PhD Assistant Dean for Biomedical Career Development, Assistant Professor of Medical Education and Administration Join Kim Petrie, Assistant Dean for Biomedical Career Development, for a virtual session about applying for postdoctoral fellowships and especially NIH F32 National Research Service Awards (NRSAs) to...