Authoring Your Career Story
Jan. 25, 2024—Authoring Your Career Story: Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars: Own and Communicate Your Story for Career Success We are all writing stories with the lives we lead. Do you know what career story you’re living out, or aspire to live out? How do your values, interests, and skills influence your story? Join us for a workshop...
PhD Career Stories: Entrepreneur, Scientific Advisor and Product Manager
Jan. 12, 2024— Registration is requested Amicia Elliott is a Product Manager at Form Bio. Dr. Elliott received her B.S. n Genetics at Purdue University and progressed through a Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics at Vanderbilt University and a postdoctoral fellowship at the NIH in systems neuroscience. Dr. Elliott has co-founded two life sciences companies, and led a...
PhD Career Stories: Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Jan. 12, 2024— Join us virtually for our January PhD Career Stories session on Clinical Laboratory Medicine Registration is required to receive Zoom login Dr. Tiffany Guess received her M.Ed. from Tennessee State University, and received her PhD in Molecular Biosciences from MTSU. She completed a postdoc in Hematology & Oncology here at Vanderbilt, and...
Digital Lab Spring Events
Jan. 10, 2024—The Digital Lab is sponsoring a variety of events this spring around building digital skills. They include lesson series on Introduction to Python with an AI assistant, Introduction to Network Analysis, Introduction to Bibliometric Networks, and a number of individual sessions related to geospatial topics: ArcGis Pro, QGIS, PolicyMap, geocoding, spatial statistics, remote sensing, and...
Upcoming event: What we learned about job searching in 2023
Nov. 30, 2023—Everything about today’s job market feels like it’s in flux — layoffs, rebounds, AI, a near recession. So how have the events of 2023 impacted job options for PhDs? Join the Beyond Prof team as we reflect on job searching in 2023 and how PhDs should approach their job search going into 2024. This virtual...
Data and Drinks Seminar
Nov. 9, 2023—Ever wonder what Biomedical PhD careers look like in the first 10 years after graduation? Do PhD students change career goals during grad school? If they change, why? How many people do a postdoc these days? How long do people stay in postdocs? What kinds of jobs are people in 1, 3, 5, and 10...
Employer Panel and Networking: Career Paths for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Sep. 28, 2023—Panelists will include: Jennifer Oldham Communications Director, The Healing Trust https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-oldham-o22/ VU Alumna – MTS Theology Kavya Sharman, PhD Founder and CEO Phase Capital https://www.linkedin.com/in/kavyasharman/ VU Alumna – B.A. Neuroscience and PhD, Chemical and Physical Biology John Vick, PhD Director, Office of Primary Prevention, TN Department of Health https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-vick-ph-d-a5375915/ VU Alumnus – M.S....
Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Sessions (HAIS 23)
Aug. 3, 2023—Register here for the inaugural Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Sessions (HAIS 23) sponsored by Vanderbilt Health’s Brock Family Center for Applied Innovation. When: Wednesday, September 20th 9am-5pm (All day attendance is encouraged) Where: Langford Auditorium, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2209 Garland Ave, Nashville, TN 37232 Cost: Free Refreshments provided The agenda / program will be published soon at https://www.vumc.org/brockcenter/events
Postdocs, Hear from Burroughs Wellcome Fund Leadership, learn about foundation funding
Jul. 31, 2023—VI4 and ArtLab are hosting a day of events on Monday, August 7 to showcase our VI4 Artist-in-Residence program, in addition to featuring a presentation from our funder, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. The VI4 AiR program connects undergraduate artists with labs from VI4 and across the country to create works of art that are used...
17th Annual VPA Symposium
Jul. 24, 2023—The 17th Annual VPA Symposium will be held November 17th 2023 in the Vanderbilt Student Life Center. This interdisciplinary one-day conference highlights postdoctoral research as well as provides a venue for networking and professional development. Below is the link for abstract submission and registration. We encourage you to attend this excellent networking event and encourage you to submit...
Event: Venturing into Biotech Seminar Series, presented by S Phase Biofund
Jun. 22, 2023—Join us in welcoming RICHARD MURPHEY, MBA Founder of Bay Bridge Bio, LLC to learn more about life science investing and careers in biotechnology research. Thursday, July 20, 2023 1:00 – 2:00 PM CT (Virtual) Richard has over a decade of experience working in biotech across investment banking, venture capital / public equity investing, and...
Lilly’s Visiting Scientist Fellowship (VSF)
Apr. 26, 2023—Lilly’s Visiting Scientist Fellowship (VSF) program exposes recent Pharm.D., M.D./D.O., and relevant Ph.D. or master’s degree graduates to a myriad of pharmaceutical functions and experiences, providing firsthand involvement with the drug development process. As a VSF, you will use your skills to make a positive impact on global patient care and medicine development. With innovative...
From Concept to Commercialization: Translational and Entrepreneurial Journeys Speaker Series
Apr. 4, 2023—VUMC’s Brock Family Center for Applied Innovation and the Center for Technology Transfer & Commercialization are excited to announce the next presentation from the speaker series “From Concept to Commercialization: Translational and Entrepreneurial Journeys.” Martin (Marty) Moore is a founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Meissa Vaccines. Prior to cofounding Meissa, Marty was an Associate...
Mar. 24, 2023—Join the International Student Council in collaboration with the Career Center for the I- NETWORKING event. Date: March 30 Time: 6-8pm Venue: Student Life Center Board of Trust Perks: Have 1 on 1 mock interviews with career coaches. Find more information on the attached poster. RSVP via the QR code on the poster!
LaunchTN Innovation Week 2023
Mar. 20, 2023—Innovation Week is five days of innovation, advocacy and connection in Tennessee. The week, which showcases the state’s entrepreneurship successes, grew out of LaunchTN’s annual effort to increase the visibility of startups and innovation in the Volunteer State. The March 27-31 event in Nashville will: Showcase the state’s innovators and innovation assets Include advocacy for...
Racial Stress Awareness Week
Mar. 14, 2023—Join the University Counselling Center (UCC) for its inaugural Racial Stress Awareness Week. Learn and engage in the program by participating in workshops, healing spaces, mixers and so much more! Save the dates! March 27th to March 31st 2023
Women’s Financial Planning at Every Stage
Mar. 10, 2023—Join Julie McCormick’s session for women on financial planning for women. The theme for the session is ‘Women’s Financial Planning at Every Stage’ Date: Monday 20 March, 2023 Time: 4:00pm Zoom registration
VUMC Seminar Series- From Concept to Commercialization: Translational and Entrepreneurial Journeys
Mar. 9, 2023—VUMC’s Brock Family Center for Applied Innovation and the Center for Technology Transfer & Commercialization present a new seminar series “From Concept to Commercialization: Translational and Entrepreneurial Journeys” featuring VUMC anesthesiologist, Dr. Susan Eagle, as the inaugural speaker. Dr. Eagle will share her experiences launching three medical startup ventures on March 21 at 2:00pm in...
A Workshop about Bias in Academia (Fair Play Workshop)
Mar. 7, 2023—Join the Fair Play Workshop to learn about the unconscious bias that impedes students’ progress in STEM. Check the poster for more information and sign up for the event. There is limited attendance. Please be sure to register for the event. Date: Tuesday March 21, 2023 Time: 9 am – 1pm Venue: The Commons 235 Register here...