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Allison Chan, MPH, G3

Research Mentor: Jonathan Schmitz, M.D., PhD

Thesis Topic:

I completed my BS in Nutritional Sciences from Michigan State University and then earned my MPH from the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health with a concentration in Hospital & Molecular Epidemiology. Following my MPH, I worked for six years as an epidemiologist at the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) in the Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (HAI/AR) Program. During my time at TDH,  I primarily focused on statewide surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, outbreak containment, and served as the program director for two years. My research interests include the integration of molecular and clinical epidemiology to better understand the transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings.

Why Vanderbilt?
I chose to pursue my PhD in Epidemiology at Vanderbilt University because of the unique opportunity to combine my research interests of molecular and clinical epidemiology. Vanderbilt encourages collaboration between different programs, and I am looking forward to learning from epidemiologists and clinical laboratorians by partnering with researchers in the Microbe-Host Interactions Program. Additionally, the Vanderbilt Epidemiology program curriculum is well known for preparing their students for a variety of different careers (i.e., academia, applied epidemiology, industry). Given my background in applied epidemiology and interest in epidemiological research, I selected this program due to their strong reputation for teaching a diverse range of skills to their students during their training.