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Amanda Howa, MPH, G4

Research Mentors: Carlos Grijalva, M.D., M.P.H. and H. Keipp Talbot, M.D., M.P.H.


Prior to Vanderbilt, I was a contractor for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s COVID-19 Epidemiology Taskforce as a Senior Analyst, where I analyzed the US COVID-19 and influenza hospitalizations and long-term care facilities. I obtained my Master of Public Health with a concentration in global health and infectious diseases from Emory University, where my research focused on vaccination policies in the United States and vaccine preventable diseases. My research interests involve infectious disease epidemiology, specifically outbreak and pandemic response. I am currently working with Drs. Talbot and Grijalva on COVID-19 and influenza transmission.

Why Vanderbilt?

I chose to pursue my PhD in Epidemiology at Vanderbilt University for several reasons, most importantly the tailored support from the administration and faculty that applied directly to my research interests and professional goals. Additionally, being matched with faculty from the very start of the program allows us to implement our research along with our course work and strengthen our analytical skills. The opportunity to work with Drs. Talbot and Grijalva was a vital decision to choose Vanderbilt for my PhD.