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Childcare Supplement

To aid in disbursing the annual $2,500 childcare supplement for eligible full-time predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees on NRSA fellowships and institutional training grants, the following documentation is needed:

  • Proof of the date-of-birth of the child. Examples include birth certificate and/or note from doctor.
  • A document providing proof that the provider is licensed and/or regulated by state or local authorities.
  • Proof that expenses have met or exceeded $2,500.  Examples include a paid receipt from a facility, a bank/credit card statement, or a cancelled check.

Please give above documents to your grant manager, who will then work with the appropriate HCM member in VU, or VUMC financial administrator, to submit for supplement payment. Should you have any questions regarding eligibility or other inquiries with the childcare supplement, please consult with your grant manager.