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Guidelines for Student Travel

We encourage all students in the School of Medicine who are pursuing their doctoral degree to present at national and international meetings during their training.  Dissemination of research findings and engagement with scientific peers is a professional obligation of being a research scientist.

All students are required to follow the VU Travel Policy. Acting outside of the policy may lead to non-reimbursable expenses. The BRET Office has developed these Travel Procedures to guide students’ travel plans to ensure they stay within the VU Travel Policy, travel safely, and are reimbursed quickly.

Student reimbursements are processed through Oracle Expense. Student can find instructions via Oracle Learning. Student may contact for additional reimbursement assistance.

All BRET student travelers are required to register their travel with the BRET office using the Intent to Travel REDCap. The Intent to TravelREDCap serves to collect travel detail, travel funds, and signature of involved parties.

Travelers are required to utilize Vanderbilt’s online booking tool, Concur,  or contact World Travel to make airfare reservations.

World Travel Agent Assistance:

  • During business hours (7:00 am – 6:00 pm EDT) dial (877) 271-9258 or email
  • After business hours, or for emergencies, dial (865) 777-1600, Code W-7CD.

WTS Price Match Guarantee

Students can request a copy of their receipt by emailing or you may find the travel receipt by searching your email for “”. The receipt will be an attachment titled “Travel Receipt Communication Attachment”

Before traveling, international students must notify the International Tax Office, (, their program manager, and the BRET HCM team ( regarding their travel and expected expenses.

After completing at least one academic year at Vanderbilt, students may apply for a Graduate School Conference Travel Grant from the Graduate School for $1,000 per budget year (July 1-June 30) for domestic or international travel. Students are allowed a total of three travel grants during their entire tenure at Vanderbilt.

Students may contact their program manager if they need assistance paying the upfront costs of travel. Students will need an Intent to Travel Form, complete with funding sources, and an Itinerary Proposal with anticipated expenses.

If you are experiencing weather delays and need to alter travel bookings you may contact World Travel for assistance.

World Travel Agent Assistance:

  • During business hours (7:00 am – 6:00 pm EDT) dial (877) 271-9258 or email
  • After business hours or for emergencies dial (865) 777-1600, Code W-7CD.

Please make a copy of the travel award you were given, cash the check, and submit the copy of your check when you submit your travel report.

If your ticket was purchased through CONCUR or through your program manager’s guest traveler profile, you can call World Travel for assistance: (877) 271-9258 or (865) 777-1600 emergency service.  Reimbursed travel credits may be used for future Vanderbilt travel.

Travelers may extend their stay. Flight may be reimbursed up to the cost of the day of travel.  You will need to follow the VU Travel Policy for documenting the variation and any expense consequences.  Whether you are using CONCUR or on a blue paper form, you will need to provide all requested documentation as specified in the VU Travel Policy.

Students are allowed to drive their personal vehicle. Vanderbilt requires a round-trip airfare comparison if the mileage exceeds 1,000 miles.  You should record this price comparison at least a month prior to traveling. Please use a screen capture of prices in Concur for price comparison.

The university will reimburse travelers for tolls and parking fees incurred while traveling.