BRET Student Internship Policy
BRET graduate programs recognize that students may wish to obtain practical experience outside of the program, as well as prepare for potential employment opportunities, by participating in an internship, which typically takes place over the summer. Graduate students receiving Vanderbilt University financial support or services must devote full-time effort to graduate study, which may include one or more internships. Students cannot accept jobs for pay within or outside the University unless prior approval is given by their thesis advisor and the Director of Graduate studies (DGS). Engagement in outside employment without obtaining approval may result in loss of financial support, including stipend. To participate in an internship, students should be making good academic progress in the program. Students who wish to undertake an internship must discuss it with their mentor prior to applying, obtain approval from the mentor before signing an offer, and notify their PhD Program Manager. In addition, outside unpaid internships or other career development activities that require students to be away for more than brief period must be approved by the DGS. Full-time paid internships require approval from the DGS and the Senior Associate Dean, and require completion of the BRET Financial Termination Survey to discontinue their VU stipend while being paid by an outside organization.