Integrative view on how erythropoietin signaling controls transcription patterns in erythroid cells.
- PMID: 29389768 [PubMed].
Erythropoietin (EPO) is necessary and sufficient to trigger dynamic transcriptional patterns that drive the differentiation of erythroid precursor cells into mature, enucleated red cells. Because the molecular cloning and Food and Drug Administration approval for the therapeutic use of EPO over 30 years ago, a detailed understanding of how EPO works has advanced substantially. Yet, the precise epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms by which EPO signaling controls erythroid expression patterns remains poorly understood. This review focuses on the current state of erythroid biology in regards to EPO signaling from human genetics and functional genomics perspectives.
Erythropoietin (EPO) is necessary and sufficient to trigger dynamic transcriptional patterns that drive the differentiation of erythroid precursor cells into mature, enucleated red cells. Because the molecular cloning and Food and Drug Administration approval for the therapeutic use of EPO over 30 years ago, a detailed understanding of how EPO works has advanced substantially. Yet, the precise epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms by which EPO signaling controls erythroid expression patterns remains poorly understood. This review focuses on the current state of erythroid biology in regards to EPO signaling from human genetics and functional genomics perspectives.