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Foundations of Clinical Care (FCC)

Year 2: Entering Clinical Care

Now that you’ve made it through the 13-month preclinical curriculum, it’s time to dive into full-time clinical work!

To help you prepare for your new clinical responsibilities, all M2 students will start the year with FCC Launch Week, a week of clinically-driven content designed to better prepare students for success in their clerkships. This week, you’ll enhance your practical clinical skills around the interface of laboratory-based medicine with patient care.

Your M2 year divides into six core clerkships:

  • Surgery
  • Internal Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology
  • Neurology
  • Psychiatry

Though the sequence looks different for each M2 student, you’ll all take on new responsibilities and put your first-year course knowledge into practice over this year.

Curious about what each clerkship experience is like? Read more about our core clerkships.

Jumping into clerkships for the first time can be an intimidating experience. But with our Master Clinical Teachers program, you can dive into hands-on learning under the caring guidance of expert physicians. Learn more about our one-of-a-kind MCT program.

Success in Year 2

Clerkships are foundational to everything else you’ll learn in clinic afterwards, so a competency-based assessment system allows you to see exactly where your strengths and areas for growth lie.

Throughout your M2 year, you’ll get a sense of how you’re doing through:

  • Milestone-based assessments from residents and attending faculty
  • Narrative feedback from your peers and clinical teams
  • Clerkship shelf exams at the end of each clerkship
  • End of the Year OSCE event at the end of M2:
    At this week-long event, you’ll be exposed to clinical scenarios in CELA touching on Vital Experiences and representing your experiential learning from all of the clerkships.  Carefully simulated with standardized patients, you’ll receive immediate feedback from faculty evaluating your performance and capabilities.This event is just one step in preparing you to move into the Immersion Phase, helping you identify your clinical strengths and areas for growth.

Throughout it all, your portfolio coach will be there to walk with you through feedback from various sources and set timely goals for personal growth.

More About FCC: Leveling Up with FCC Launch Week

The Next Chapter of Curriculum 2.0

Now in its tenth year, Curriculum 2.0 continues evolving in order to best prepare students for the demands of an ever-changing healthcare industry. Leading these changes are students themselves, providing both written feedback at the end of their courses and phases and verbal feedback through the student representation of the Curriculum Committee. This feedback process sparked the curriculum’s most significant and most impactful innovation in recent years: the creation of Foundations of Clinical Care (FCC) Launch Week.

Read more…



FCC Phase Leadership

Travis Crook, M.D.

Travis W. Crook, MD

Moving from the basic sciences of M1 to the immersive clinical experience of M2 can be a big transition, but Dr. Crook is dedicated to being a resource for you every step for the way.

Dr. Crook brings his extensive experience as a medical educator to his work as phase leader for the clerkship year. Besides overseeing and directing logistics for the six core clerkships, he continues innovating this curricular phase based on student feedback and his own research.

Dr. Crook is also involved on the ground as he directs the pediatric clerkship, one of the six core clerkships. Plus, after experiencing firsthand the family feeling that pervades VUSM, he’s excited to continue spreading that supportive and engaging atmosphere for medical students entering clerkship.