Foundations of Medical Knowledge (FMK)
Year 1: Laying the Foundations
With our pass/fail curriculum and case-based learning at the center, your M1 year is a time of exploration and broad learning.
The first phase of your medical journey is known as Foundations of Medical Knowledge (FMK), and it provides just that: a solid, broad foundation of knowledge and skills for the medical environment. From team-based learning to standardized patients to gross anatomy dissection, this year fully prepares you to jump into full-time clinical clerkships in your M2 year.
Your Growth in Year 1
How can you measure success during your M1 year? Here are just a few of the ways you’ll track your own growth during this foundational stage:
- Pass/fail standardized block exams at the end of each of the six course blocks
- Self-assessment and peer assessment from case-based learning
- Narrative feedback from your course directors and small group facilitators
Your portfolio coach will guide you in processing all this feedback data so that you can name your own strengths, areas for growth, and goals moving forward.
Want to learn more about M1 assessment? Check out our unique approach to student growth.
FMK Leadership

Dr. Osheroff, Dr. Pettepher, and Dr. Shaver know the Foundations of Medical Knowledge (FMK) Phase inside and out! Dr. Pettepher and Dr. Osheroff were two of the faculty members involved in revamping the pre-clerkship phase for Curriculum 2.0, and Dr. Shaver has been teaching in FMK for many years.
They also lead your very first two scientific courses — Human Blueprint & Architecture and Microbes & Immunity. When not actively teaching or managing the phase, Dr. Osheroff, Dr. Pettepher, and Dr. Shaver work closely with your representatives on the Student Curriculum Committee to innovate and update the curriculum based on your direct feedback.
As experts in pre-clerkship medical education, these leaders are pioneers in medical science education and are award-winning teachers, but don’t be intimidated—they’re excited to be your first and best resource for questions, advice, and feedback on this first phase of your medical journey.