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Fiona Harrison

Vanderbilt Brain Institute (VBI)
Vanderbilt Memory & Alzheimer's Center (VMAC)
Department of Medicine
Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center

Nutritional factors that impact Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis, including high fat diet and vitamin C deficiency. The lab uses behavioral and molecular biochemical methods to study altered learning and memory in a range of mutant mouse models.

Nutritional factors that impact Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis, including high fat diet and vitamin C deficiency. The lab uses behavioral and molecular biochemical methods to study altered learning and memory in a range of mutant mouse models.

Keywords: Behavior , Oxidative stress , Alzheimer's disease , Vitamin C , Aging , Mouse

Research Area: Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism , Molecular Pathology , Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflamation