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Partners in Health/Compañeros en Salud

Posted by on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in Practicum Sites .

Partners In Health launched Compañeros En Salud (PIH/CES) in 2011, a sister organization that works with rural government clinics in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas—one of the most marginalized regions in the state—to improve staffing, supplies, and links with local communities.

In partnership with local health jurisdictions, PIH/CES revitalizes underperforming rural clinics, providing high-quality health care to vulnerable people who previously had no reliable health services. The program currently operates in six rural clinics and plans to expand to 10. By focusing on primary care, PIH/CES strives to improve health outcomes, as well as to decrease the impoverishing costs of seeking health care outside the community.

LOCATION: Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico


-Conducted a needs assessment with the aims of: gaining insight on how violence is viewed by the community, identifying potential agencies and individuals with whom they could collaborate, and formulating initial recommendations for future domestic violence interventions.

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