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Siloam Family Health Center

Posted by on Thursday, August 6, 2015 in Uncategorized .

Siloam Family Health Center began as a tiny, volunteer-driven, primary care clinic in the Edgehill neighborhood. Today it is a vibrant, health ministry with a beautiful 12,000 square foot facility, a staff of 36, over 300 volunteers, dozens of collaborating partners, and roughly 5,000 individual patients who come from all over Middle Tennessee.

As a charitable clinic for the uninsured, Siloam prioritizes care for those with no other options. Since it accepts no regular insurance or federal reimbursement for indigent care, it depends on the generous contributions of our community. Patients contribute towards the cost of care according to their capacity, but no one is turned away because of inability to pay.

LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee


– Conducted an analytical medical record review for Siloam Family Health Center on the prevalence of chronic diseases among their refugee population

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