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Manna Project International

Posted by on Monday, October 26, 2015 in Practicum Sites .

Manna Project International works to create communities of young leaders that help break the cycle of poverty by focusing on people and their need to access health care, education, and an income equal to the cost of living. Manna Project International’s holistic development initiatives are built on a foundation of trust, commitment and community ownership. As a diverse and united team, Manna Project volunteers live and work within the communities they serve, learning from each other’s world perspectives, lifestyles, cultures, values, passions, strengths and experiences.

LOCATION: Ecuador and Nicaragua

– Jessica Hinshaw completed her practicum with Manna Project in Nicaragua. She worked on a variety of projects including conducting a nutritional needs assessment for the Cedro Galan municipality and  creating a guide for community health worker training related to “Healthy Lifestyle”, which focused on improving diets and exercise training.

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