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Friends Without A Border

Posted by on Monday, February 15, 2016 in Practicum Sites .

/wp-content/uploads/sites/58/files/fwab_logo.pngFriends Without A Border was founded in 1996 and in 1999 the organization built and opened Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Since that time, AHC has treated over 1.4 million children, trained hundreds of healthcare professionals, and is considered “one of only three essential healthcare institutions” in the country as stated by a Cambodian Health Minister.

AHC has grown to a full service hospital that includes: Inpatient & Outpatient Departments, Low Acuity Unit, Emergency Room, Triage, Intensive Care Unit, Surgery Ward, Heart Surgery, Dental Clinic, Eye Clinic, and a Satellite Clinic in the Sot Nikum District of Cambodia. AHC has been locally managed since 2013 and in 2015 Friends celebrated the grand opening of a new pediatric hospital in Luang Prabang, Laos called Lao Friends Hospital for Children (LFHC).

LOCATIONS: Cambodia and Laos

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