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Culminating Experience

Culminating Experience Handbook

2025 Presentation Schedule and RSVP

The Culminating Experience is a graduation requirement for all students in the MPH program. It allows each student to demonstrate synthesis of the MPH foundational and track-specific competencies and produce a high quality written product that is developed and delivered in a manner that is useful to external stakeholders. The Culminating Experience is completed at the end of the course of study, with final deliverables due in the student’s final term (typically the spring of the second year).

1. Thesis

The thesis project is mentored original research or other scholarly work on a topic approved by the thesis adviser. Research is typically based on secondary data analysis.

» More on the Thesis

2. Capstone

The Capstone allows the student to build skills in a self-selected focus area that aligns with the student’s educational and professional goals. The student pursues a series of specific graduate- or professional-level courses approved by the track director.

» More on the Capstone


Before submitting their selection, students should meet with their academic adviser to discuss which option is best suited for their specific educational and professional goals. They should also discuss potential research areas of interest and mentors (Thesis), focus areas, competencies, and courses (Capstone) with their academic advisor and mentoring committee.

After submitting their selection, the student’s track director will review and approve their selection for the Culminating Experience.

Because there are required courses associated with both options, this selection will be considered final after the registration period for the upcoming Fall term has ended.


Epidemiology Track

  • PUBH 5527 Protocol Development I (1 hr)
  • PUBH 5330 Protocol Development II (1 hr)
  • PUBH 5599 Thesis Research I (2-4 hrs)
  • PUBH 7999 Thesis Research II (2-4 hrs)

Global Health Track

  • PUBH 5527 Protocol Development I (1 hr)
  • PUBH 5599 Thesis Research I (3-5 hrs)
  • PUBH 7999 Thesis Research II (2-4 hrs)

Health Policy Track

  • PUBH 5527 Protocol Development I (1 hr)
  • PUBH 5599 Thesis Research I (3-5 hrs)
  • PUBH 7999 Thesis Research II (2-4 hrs)


CAPSTONE (all tracks)

  • PUBH 5531 Capstone ePortfolio Development, Part 1 (0 hrs)
  • PUBH 5532 Capstone ePortfolio Development, Part 2 (1 hr)
  • Capstone Content Courses (at least 9 credit hours)


  • Final written product: Based on their research topic, students should develop an original scholarly work that is formatted and ready for submission to a peer-reviewed journal for publication consideration with the assistance and guidance of their faculty advisers and thesis readers. Regardless of the chosen publication, the student must apply critical thought, systematic analysis, and clear presentation.
  • Final oral presentation: 15-minute presentation with 5-minute Q&A


  • Final written product: Based on their content course work, students should develop and hone either a resource tool kit or a specific tool for an external organization. Either option should be accompanied by a formal paper describing the development process and the impact of the tool(s) for a community or the organization. Examples of public health tools include, but are not limited to, a needs assessment, monitoring and evaluation plan, program evaluation report, strategic plan, training manual, policy statement, grant, capital campaign, and curriculum.
  • Final oral presentation: 15-minute presentation with 5-minute Q&A


Drafts and other deliverables are assigned in the MPH Protocol Development courses. The final written deliverable is submitted in the student’s final term before graduating (typically the Spring term of the final year). The oral presentation will take place in the Spring term of the student’s final year.

The final written product and oral presentation are reviewed by the Thesis director, the MPH track directors(s), and the student’s thesis readers. The Thesis director compiles the feedback from the faculty reviewers and assigns a final grade. They also send the student a written summary of the feedback on their performance.


Most drafts and other deliverables are assigned as part of the PUBH 5531-01 Capstone ePortfolio Development course. The final written deliverable is submitted in the student’s final term before graduating (typically the Spring term of the final year). The final oral presentation will take place in the Spring term of the student’s final year.

The final written product and oral presentation are reviewed by the Capstone adviser, the MPH track director(s), and any additional faculty reviewers. The Capstone adviser compiles the feedback from the faculty reviewers and assigns a final grade. They also send the student a written summary of the feedback on their performance.