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Continuous Intrathecal Morphine Infusion for Pain Management in a Polytrauma Patient: A Case Report


Boncyk CS , Brennan KA , Guillamondegui O , Benson C , . A&A practice. ; 14(13). e01338


Polytrauma patients are at high risk for neurologic complications as a result of the primary mechanism of their trauma and/or delirium caused by subsequent pain, sedatives and analgesic exposure, sleep disturbances, infections, metabolic derangements, organ dysfunctions, withdrawal syndromes, or other factors. The high prevalence of delirium within trauma intensive care units increases risks for both patients and providers and is associated with worsened patient outcomes. This case report explains the rationale and utilization of continuous intrathecal morphine administration to improve pain control while reducing and eliminating intravenous (IV) analgesics and sedatives to enable wakefulness in a polytrauma patient with refractory agitated delirium.
