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AAP/ASCI/APSA 2022 Joint Meeting

Posted by on Friday, April 29, 2022 in Uncategorized .

by Camille Wang (G3)

From April 8 – 10, MSTP students attended the AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting in Chicago, IL. The conference was attended by medical and graduate trainees, resident physicians and fellows, attendings, and program directors. It was a wonderful way to get to know other trainees and faculty from institutions across the country, especially after several years of postponed in-person conferences. The meeting consisted of sessions that covered topics ranging from climate change and medicine, health equity and lessons learned from COVID-19, and special lectures including an inspiring one from Dr. Katalin Kariko who helped establish the mRNA vaccine technology. There were also organized poster sessions and dinners throughout the conference, as well as an informal evening gathering for Vanderbilt MSTP students to meet with physician-scientists across many different stages of the career. Overall, it was a wonderful conference to attend in a beautiful (albeit windy) city!