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Course – Introduction to Clinical Research Methods for Basic Scientists

This one credit hour course uses a didactic and case-based approach to demonstrate practical tools to facilitate translational research. There will be 12 topics taught each over one-hour blocks coordinated by a basic scientist or physician scientist with experience in translational research. The last session will conclude with student proposals to incorporate a clinical or translational component into their research program using methods discussed in the course. Students will be expected to attend at least 10 mornings of didactic and interactive teaching blocks over the twelve Intro to Clinical Research Methods course. At the end of each session, the course directors will hold a Q&A session to discuss material covered in the session, answer questions students may have. Course directors will attempt to facilitate a connection between the student and clinical researchers at VUMC as appropriate during the course.

Students will develop and present a project proposal but note that completion of the proposed research is not required for this course.

There are no prerequisites for attending this course other than being a Ph.D. student or post-doctoral fellow enrolled in one of the biomedical sciences programs at Vanderbilt University. The course will be graded as pass or fail based on attendance and on completion of daily entries for each of the topic areas using a time stamped, on-line course management system that has been developed for the ASPIRE Program of Molecular Medicine.

Fall (Oct-Nov), Credit: 1.