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APMM Application

The Fall 2025 APMM Applications will be due Monday, June 2, 2025.

Please plan to attend an Information Session prior to submitting your application.

Information Session Dates & Times




May 1 5pm In-person/Light Hall 306
May 8 Noon Zoom
May 14 2pm Zoom
May 21 Noon Zoom
RSVP here. A zoom link will be provided after you sign up.

APMM Application Guidelines


*Applications are due June 2nd.

The following information will need to be included.

•Your CV

•List your thesis or post-doctoral research mentor, year of graduate or post-doctoral training(1st, 2nd), and department or program.

•A personal statement in which you explain your reasons for wanting to join the program, your goals are for your graduate or post-doctoral training, and your future career plans. (200 words maximum)

•A brief outline of your proposed thesis or post-doctoral research, and how it might integrate with the goals of the APMM to help guide students and post-doctoral fellows to develop new human subjects research studies as a part of their research plans. (200 words maximum)

•A letter from your thesis/research mentor stating that they support your participation in the APMM and will support your development of a translational research project, with help from the APMM, as part of your research plans.5